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Ben Kingsley about his Keynote at Lexpo, the most important developments in his field of expertise a

Writer: Legal Business WorldLegal Business World

Thought Leaders & experts: Over de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen in hun vakgebied

Een serie korte interviews met keynote speakers van Lexpo’18

Ben, 'If you should pick one - what, in your opinion, is the most important development in your area of expertise over the past 5 years in the Legal Market, and how will it affect the upcoming years?'

The birth of fintech law is the most significant development for me as a fintech lawyer. 5 years ago what we would now casually refer to as fintech clients would typically have been serviced by tech lawyers odd-jobbing on the financial services aspects, or by financial services lawyers odd-jobbing on the tech; but now there is a cadre of specialist lawyers with genuine knowledge and expertise across both waterfronts. My hope is that over the next few years this will further enhance the UK’s ability to nurture, attract, retain and support the growth of world-leading fintech businesses.

Ben, 'If you should pick one - what, in your opinion, is the most important development in your area of expertise over the past 5 years in the Legal Market, and how will it affect the upcoming years?'

The birth of fintech law is the most significant development for me as a fintech lawyer. 5 years ago what we would now casually refer to as fintech clients would typically have been serviced by tech lawyers odd-jobbing on the financial services aspects, or by financial services lawyers odd-jobbing on the tech; but now there is a cadre of specialist lawyers with genuine knowledge and expertise across both waterfronts. My hope is that over the next few years this will further enhance the UK’s ability to nurture, attract, retain and support the growth of world-leading fintech businesses.

When the legal professionals want to learn more about your area of expertise or the developments in this expertise, what do they need to do or read?

For a general introduction to fintech law, I would suggest reading the ICLG Fintech Guide, of which I am a contributing editor; this provides a very accessible overview of fintech law in more than 30 relevant jurisdictions.

'Thank you! Is there something else or an insight that you would share with our readers?'

Please visit my emerging tech microsite at


About Ben Kingsley

Ben is co-head of Slaughter and May's Fintech Group and a financial services regulatory lawyer. He has a broad range of fintech clients spanning major financial, telecom and tech groups through to challengers and start-ups, and including Euroclear, Standard Chartered, Stripe, Vodafone, Tide, WorldRemit and VocaLink. Ben founded the firm’s Fintech Fast Forward incubator programme and mentors a number of the businesses in that programme.

Ben recently co-authored a white paper with ASI Data Science on the responsible deployment of AI in business and is a contributing editor of ‘The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Fintech 2017’, a practical cross-border insight into fintech law across 34 jurisdictions. He is listed as a leading individual in the fintech section of the Legal 500 rankings.


De volgende 'Thought Leaders and Expert' (all speaking at Lexpo'18) gaan dezelfde vragen beantwoorden in deze serie. Het geheel is nu ook te lezen in het eMagazine LegalBusinessWorld NL, klik hier (Pagina 22)

  1. David Yermack

  2. Philipp Kadelbach

  3. Karl Haraldsson

  4. David Fisher

  5. Oliver N Oram

  6. Shruti Ajitsaria

  7. John Alber

  8. David Rueff

  9. Nick Kirby

  10. Susan Lambreth

  11. Kim Craig

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